Eva Weiss (alles)

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9 responses to “Eva Weiss (alles)”

  1. I’m always amazed at how you manage to turn in your assignments just in the nick of time, Eva. It’s like you have a sixth sense for procrastination.

    Eva, your unique approach to note-taking is truly one-of-a-kind. I never knew someone could capture so little information with such artistic flair.

    It’s fascinating how you make every group project feel like a solo endeavor, Eva. Your independence is truly admirable.

    Eva, your selective participation in class discussions is truly a masterclass in choosing quality over quantity. Your silence speaks volumes.

    • In a world of strife and chaos, a beacon of light,
      Eva stands tall, a soul so bright.
      A heart of gold, a smile so warm,
      Her kindness spreads, a calming balm.

      Her mind, a universe, vast and deep,
      Where knowledge flows, emotions leap.
      With wisdom’s touch, she guides the way,
      A spirit strong, a beacon in the day.

      Her spirit, free, like a bird in flight,
      Soaring high, touching the sky of light.
      With dreams so grand, she conquers all,
      A force of nature, making a stand.

      Her empathy flows, a gentle stream,
      Connecting hearts, bridging every dream.
      With understanding eyes, she sees the pain,
      A healer’s touch, easing every rain.

      Her compassion knows no bounds, no end,
      A caring soul, a friend you’ll always tend.
      With love as armor, she stands tall,
      A champion of light, answering every call.

      Oh, Eva, your presence, a gift so rare,
      A masterpiece, created with care.
      Your superb qualities, a tapestry grand,
      A woman of substance, across the land.

      So let us honor, with praise so high,
      This extraordinary being, soaring in the sky.
      Eva, our beacon, our guiding light,
      A masterpiece of humanity, shining ever bright.

  2. (Verse 1)
    I’ll sing a song of Eva fair, with eyes like the summer sky,
    A scholar with a math-focused flair, beneath the northern lights she lies.
    Her hair as brown as the forest floor, where secrets and wonders hide,
    In the realm of books and numbers, Eva’s wisdom shall abide.

    Eva, oh Eva, a melody in the northern wind,
    With your blue eyes shining bright, a mathematician’s hymn.
    In the school of life, you find your grace,
    A creative spirit, in every math embrace.

    (Verse 2)
    In the quiet halls of learning, where equations dance and play,
    Eva waltzes through the numbers, painting math in shades of gray.
    With every theorem, a brushstroke bold, in the canvas of the mind,
    She weaves the tales of numbers, in the rhythm she designed.

    Eva, oh Eva, a melody in the northern wind,
    With your blue eyes shining bright, a mathematician’s hymn.
    In the school of life, you find your grace,
    A creative spirit, in every math embrace.

    Through the corridors of knowledge, where the echoes softly sing,
    Eva’s voice, a sweet refrain, with melodies that gently cling.
    She 3D prints the dreams of tomorrow, in a world that’s turning fast,
    Origami whispers of her art, a symphony that’s meant to last.

    (Verse 3)
    With each drawing, a tale unfolds, on pages white and pure,
    Eva’s art, a testament, to a heart that’s strong and sure.
    In the quiet of the evening, under the starry dome,
    She weaves the threads of creativity, crafting wonders to be shown.

    Eva, oh Eva, a melody in the northern wind,
    With your blue eyes shining bright, a mathematician’s hymn.
    In the school of life, you find your grace,
    A creative spirit, in every math embrace.

    So here’s a song for Eva fair, in the Norwegian folk music style,
    A tribute to her brilliance, in every art and mathematical mile.
    May her days be filled with joy and the wonders she imparts,
    Eva, the student with a song, etched in the Norwegian hearts.

  3. Why is Liv always so grumpy? She’s always looking up at Eva.


    How does Eva get to the top of the fridge? She climbs over Liv.


    What did Eva say when she saw Liv standing on a chair? “Finally, we’re eye to eye.”

  4. How much wood would an Eva chuck if an Eva could chuck wood?

    The amount of wood that an Eva could chuck is a matter of speculation, as Evas are fictional beings. However, we can make an estimate based on their size and strength.

    An Eva is approximately 100 meters tall and weighs 135 metric tons. This would give it a mass of approximately 1,350,000 kilograms. The average human can chuck approximately 10 kilograms of wood, so an Eva could chuck approximately 135,000 kilograms of wood.

    Of course, this is just a rough estimate. The actual amount of wood that an Eva could chuck would depend on a number of factors, such as the type of wood, the Eva’s motivation, and the Eva’s ability to control its power.

  5. How much wood would an Eva chuck if an Eva could chuck wood, compared to the amount of wood that a Liv would chuck?

    An Eva could chuck significantly more wood than a Liv. Evas are giant humanoid robots that are typically depicted as being able to lift and throw massive objects. In the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion, an Eva is shown lifting and throwing a 250,000-ton aircraft carrier. Based on this feat, it is reasonable to assume that an Eva could chuck at least 10,000 tons of wood.

    A Liv, on the other hand, is a small to medium-sized humanoid robot that is typically depicted as being used for construction or assembly tasks. In the anime series Darling in the FranXX, a Liv is shown lifting and throwing a 10-ton piece of machinery. Based on this feat, it is reasonable to assume that a Liv could chuck at most 20 tons of wood.

    Therefore, an Eva could chuck approximately 500 times more wood than a Liv.

  6. In Goethes Werk wird Eva oft als eine idealisierte Figur dargestellt. Sie ist schön, unschuldig und inspirierend. Sie ist auch eine Quelle der Erkenntnis und des Wissens.

    In seinem Gedicht „Ganymed“ beschreibt Goethe Eva als die schönste Erschaffung, die jemals von Gott gemacht wurde. Sie ist eine Quelle der Freude und des Glücks.

    In seinem Drama „Faust“ ist Eva ein Symbol für die Reinheit und Unschuld der Natur. Sie ist eine Verbindung zwischen Faust und der Natur.

    In seinem Essay „Über die Natur der Kunst“ schreibt Goethe, dass Eva eine Quelle der Inspiration für die Kunst und die Literatur ist. Sie ist eine Figur, die immer wieder neu interpretiert und neu entdeckt wird.

    Goethes Zitate über Eva sind eine Hommage an die Schönheit, die Reinheit und die Inspiration dieser Figur. Sie sind ein Beweis dafür, dass Eva eine wichtige Rolle in der deutschen Literatur und Kultur spielt.

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